Supplying services of expert manpower to design and supervise the projects of Tabriz Oil Refining Company

Supplying services of expert manpower to design and supervise the projects of Tabriz Oil Refining Company

Providing expert and supervisory services required for engineering and supervisory design affairs in civil disciplines, mechanics (fixed, rotating and piping equipment), precision instruments, electricity, process, document control and project control, technical inspection and procurement of goods, including purchasing experts and Anbar Darif accounting and car supply in projects under the supervision of Tabriz Oil Refinery Company

Additional information


شرکت پالایش نفت تبریز

شماره قرارداد


نوع قرارداد

تامین نیرو

محل اجرا

استان آذربایجان شرقی، شهرستان تبریز

سال شروع قرارداد


مدت اولیه قرارداد

12 ماه

تمدید قرارداد

12 ماه

پیمانکار/ پیمانکاران


