Management of the project planning and control unit for development plans along with the installation and operation of the project management portal, the installation and management of cash flow of projects

Management of the project planning and control unit for development plans along with the installation and operation of the project management portal, the installation and management of cash flow of projects

Carrying out the activities of the planning and control unit of the employer’s projects and cooperating with the software department in compiling the guidelines and methods of the designed system, collecting the required information in interaction with contractors and consultants and fully exploiting the deployed specialized software. During the contract period, it is the responsibility of the expert manpower introduced in this project.

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شرکت معدنی و صنعتی گل گهر

شماره قرارداد


نوع قرارداد

راهبری واحد برنامه ریزی و کنترل پروژه طرح ها

محل اجرا

استان کرمان شهرستان سیرجان

سال شروع قرارداد


مدت اولیه قرارداد

24 ماه

تمدید قرارداد

24 ماه

پیمانکار/ پیمانکاران

1.شرکت مهندسی فکور صنعت
2. شرکت موننکو
3. شرکت پامیدکو


1. شرکت آسه صنعت
2. شرکت روناک
3. شرکت فراتحقیق
4. سایر