Project management of industrial and mining projects > Parman Puish Engineering and Management Services Company by adapting the knowledge areas and standard processes of PMBOK as well as the experiences gained from implementing several similar projects as MC and using the knowledge and experience of personnel familiar with current standards of project management (some of whom also have PMP certificate) and also use related software such as MS Project, Primavera, Access and Excel to develop project management methodology and customize it for different projects.

Project management services:
At the beginning of projects
First step: Before choosing the elements of the project
Preparation and approval of the Master Plan of the project
- Cooperation in the preparation of contract documents of other bodies
•Preparation of service description attachments for other parts of the contract
- Preparation of tender announcement
- Producing RFP and defining indicators and preparing bidder evaluation worksheets
The second step: while choosing the elements of the project
•Checking the documents of the bidders and completing the evaluation forms
- Holding clarification/pre-evaluation meetings with bidders
Preparation of the final list and scores of bidders
- Cooperation in choosing a new pillar
The third step: after choosing the elements of the project
- Holding the Kick-off meeting
- Description of the project roadmap for the new pillar
Project management services:
in the implementation of projects (communication with the employer)
The processes defined in the project management methodology are carried out in an integrated and interrelated manner and during the life cycle of the project, they are reviewed and updated according to the changes that have occurred in several stages, and at the end of the project, the lessons learned are described for the respected employer in the form of a final report. is presented.
Management of industrial and mining projects
In order to manage and implement the project according to the workflow defined in the figure below, after formulating the project strategy and determining the short-term and long-term goals, the operational plan to achieve the goals will be prepared by the project management team and after obtaining the necessary approvals and agreement between all elements. The project is implemented.
During the implementation of the project and if there is a need to change the operational plans due to changes in goals or macro strategies, the entire relevant process is repeated again.

In order to operationalize the central core of the above process (project implementation management framework), appropriate control processes are defined according to the figure below, each of which includes several implementation procedures and is used during the implementation of the project and if needed, while receiving feedback and corrective points from the elements involved in The implementation of the project is reviewed.
The following framework is developed by focusing on implementation activities and setting up and identifying the prerequisites for achieving executive goals in other engineering, procurement, financial and contractual departments, etc. In this framework, it has been tried to identify in advance the prerequisites of each of the activities of the implementation and start-up department and the upcoming implementation obstacles by using written procedures and strict control of all processes, and by solving them in time, the activities of the implementation department are carried out according to the set plans. to be
The responsibility of implementing and implementing most of the management procedures is assigned to the project consultant. Therefore, the correctness of the implementation and implementation of these procedures will be ensured by conducting periodical evaluations of the project consultant.