Collection managers

Profile of senior managers

Parman Puish Engineering and Management Services Company officially started its activity in 2014 with the aim of providing specialized technical consulting, engineering and project management services. This company is the most valuable asset by using expert human resources.
Organizationally and based on international standards, to quickly expand its services in the field of investment and implementation of projects in various industries.

  • Hossein Abdulzadeh
    Chairman of the Board CEO bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering
    • Farozin Bagheri Tarbe Bar
      Board of Directors Manager of copper projects Master’s degree in mechanics
    • Moez Mohajeri Parisi
      Vice Chairman of the Board Gold project manager of Koh Dem bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering
حسين عبداله زاده​
مقطع تحصيلي
رشته تحصيلي
محل تحصيل
سال اخذ مدرك
دانشگاه بوعلي سينا همدان
دوره های آموزشی
دوره مقدماتی و پیشرفته مدیریت پروژه بر استاندارد PMI - تهران
مديريت استراتژيك- تهران - آريانا
ارزيابي و تعالي پروژه ها - تهران - پتروشيمي
دوره آموزشي PMBOK - تهران