Providing project planning and control services, net, management systems and general departments of Arfa Sazan Kerman Company

Providing project planning and control services, net, management systems and general departments of Arfa Sazan Kerman Company

Providing project planning and control services for projects, net and management systems and general departments of Arfa Sazan Kerman Company.

Additional information


شرکت ارفع سازان کرمان

شماره قرارداد


نوع قرارداد

خدمات برنامه ریزی و کنترل پروژه

محل اجرا

استان کرمان

سال شروع قرارداد


مدت اولیه قرارداد

24 ماه

تمدید قرارداد


پیمانکار/ پیمانکاران


